April 3, 2024
Dear Community members, staff, and parents:
The unofficial results for the Iola-Scandinavia School District $2.3 million capital referendum have been tabulated. Unofficially, the referendum passed with 826 yes votes and 412 no votes. The results will be canvassed and made official on Monday, April 8 at 6:15pm.
The key features the referendum will include.
1. A safe and secure remodel of the main entrance of the middle/high school.
2. New Boilers at the Middle/High School and HVAC control system.
3. Replace exterior windows at the Elementary School. Many of the windows are single pane and are original to the building.
4. Replace interior doors. Many doors have large windows that are not shatterproof.
5. Repair and replace roofs on sections of various district buildings.
The planning and design process for these projects will begin in April and May. The boilers at the high school, the HVAC controllers, and some roofing projects have a chance of being completed during the summer of 2024. The High School entrance project and the Elementary School window and door project are scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2025.
The Iola-Scandinavia School District is extremely grateful for the continued support of our school board, parents, staff, and community members. Thank you for taking the time to understand the needs of the district and going to the polls to vote.
Chris Nelson
District Administrator
Iola-Scandinavia School District